Today you are a year and a half, and life so completely revolves around you. From the minute you wake up to the minute I can cradle you to sleep you are the only thing that does rule supreme my heart. Watching you grow from that sweet little baby the doctor held out for me to see, to the young toddler messing around and bullying me all the time, has been one of life’s strangest and sweetest journeys. To be honest I have never lived through anything remotely close to being more difficult and frustrating and yet more fulfilling than this. Nothing in this world that I can feel more “only mine” than you (to be shared with your dad of course). Not a single emotion that I have lived through has been more pure than what I feel for you when I hold you close to my heart and you hold me tight. Feels like I have my world in my arms. Looking back time has just flown by, so much packed into each moment that they cease to feel like minutes anymore. Life keeps changing by the hour. Being a working mom things are a lot lot more hurried that they could ever be. Each second comes with its own demands as if to test me anew. And still when at the end of it all you reach out to me with that sweetest smile on your face world seems to be at a full stop, waiting for the two of us to grant it permission to go on to the sentence beyond….
One day when you have grown up, when you have a world of your own that you are lost in and your dad and I silently sit somewhere at the periphery of it (like our parents sit today) watching you go through the same cycle as we currently do, you will still and always be ALL our world.