Life sometimes feels so strangely stagnant – as if you have drawn in a gush of air and are feeling full of life and then the very next moment you are unable to breathe or rather not wanting to. You are crowded by things you love, people you deeply like and yet there is this lingering feeling to break free, to give it up all for a few minutes and just be you. To stand alone in a moment in time when there is neither a past nor a future – the present is all you are living in and all you are living for. It’s a strange amalgamation of emotions – hidden, unexpressed and desired. You do not want to be responsible for anything or anyone. Like that little apostrophe in a life of shoulders and care you crave for a few moments when it could all be numb and yet beyond that tiny pause you could still get back your world just the way you left it.
I am sure all of us will have gone through such pockets of emotions at varying periods in our life. The mundane and the recurring, however nice and coveted that might be, needs a pause. Life needs to escape to the realm of change and difference. It can be your parents visiting you after long, an event, a surprise, an outing, a letter from a good old friend, an uncommon “love you” message from your loved one, a heart to heart chat with your best friend or sister, it can just be anything that gives you a high as if that’s just what you needed to make your day.
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